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What is Extended Care?

What is Extended Care?
July 19, 2024
by ascensionhouse

What is extended care? The journey of maintaining sobriety may begin with an addiction treatment plan but continues to transition through levels of self-discovery and personal growth.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse believes the 4 stages of rehabilitation for addiction recovery include the initiation of treatment, early abstinence, maintaining abstinence, and advancing recovery. The Ascension House is equipped to offer sober living support and extended care resources. 

Understanding Extended Care

As treatment initiatives are embracing whole-person treatment to allow individuals to maintain sobriety and prevent relapse from building a solid foundation for a substance-free future, extended care programs are flourishing.

Extended care involves continuing support and treatment options that will impact recovery outcomes by reinforcing education, therapy, and support options that meet the transitioning needs of early sobriety. 

Types of Extended Care

Extended care programs and facilities focus on evaluating individual needs and discovering the strengths and weaknesses of those who complete detox and an initial treatment program. Addiction treatment is a complex process that is not a one-plan-fits-all situation, and addressing continuing needs is imperative.

Adopting a whole-person approach incorporates next-level support and care to prolong sobriety, reinforce sober living skills, and proceed with therapy to build on personal growth. Innovative approaches are developing to address extended care needs. 

The following programs address extended care needs, answering the question, what is extended care? These include:

  • Sober Living Homes: Sober living environments provide structure and support for those transitioning out of rehab in early recovery. Depending upon personal needs, gender-specific sober living options address specific populations who may need additional protection while transitioning out of treatment. The critical focus is continuing safety and support for those who need it. 
  • Outpatient Programs: Step-down programs, such as intensive outpatient programs, outpatient programs, and continuing education, are valuable tools. These programs are flexible and manageable, perfect for those who need continued support in counseling, therapy, life skills training, and communication skills while living at home. Every person is different and will progress in their timeframes. Many insurance companies recognize these needs and support IOP and OP programs. 
  • Therapy and counseling: Ongoing treatment and counseling are essential to relapse prevention. Developing personal strengths, discovering how to process emotions and feelings positively, and developing relationships are building blocks for continuing sobriety. Individual, group, and family therapy are supportive measures throughout early sobriety. 

What To Look for When Seeking An Extended Care Facility

What is an extended care facility? Extended care facilities focus on programs to continue treatment after detox and initial treatment. While some treatment facilities offer all treatment options, others concentrate on extended care and preventing relapse.

When seeking an extended care facility, individual needs are paramount in committing. Understanding what extended care is and what initial treatment entails helps to begin the conversation with facilities. 

The following are critical considerations when choosing an extended care facility:

  • Check licensing and accreditations and in-network with insurance.
  • What credentials and licenses do the staff hold?
  • Are gender-specific programs available?
  • What evidence-based and holistic therapies are available?
  • Are mental health therapies and needs provided for?
  • How long has the center been providing services, and what is the success rate?
  • How long does the program last?
  • Is medication-assisted treatment available?
  • Are group and family therapy options available?

Extended Care Approaches: What Problems Does It Solve?

The initial components of treatment, detox, and inpatient or other rehab options address detoxification of the substance to achieve sobriety and to initiate healthy and positive coping mechanisms. Individual, group, and family therapy in the initial stages of treatment lay the foundation for continuing work.

Extended care continues where treatment is left off and allows an individual to practice and fine-tune the skills treatment initiates. It solves the uncertainty around the next step after detox, but before being released from care. The more time and practice under supervision to provide accountability, the more an individual can develop their sobriety and learn how to manage life in sobriety. 

What is Extended Care? Goals and Approaches

The U.S. The Department of Veterans Affairs emphasizes reducing relapse risks, and endorses extended care options. Many changes take place with addiction treatment, and transitions continue to occur throughout the life of a recovering individual.

The goal is to address all avenues of change and receive care that will equip a person with positive and healthy coping tools. A combination of evidence-based therapies, holistic approaches, and life skills education are essential for successful recovery. 

The following areas of change are essential for continuing sobriety:

  • Self-awareness and self-care
  • Life balance, including adequate nutrition, exercise and sleep
  • Developing healthy relationships with others and self
  • Developing a recovery support network
  • Improving and strengthening coping and communication skills
  • Addressing physical and mental health issues
  • Developing a solid relapse prevention plan

How Does it Benefit the Client?

Recovery is a lifelong goal, and the benefits of extended care support that objective. 

Evaluating vulnerabilities after detox and initial treatment can direct clients toward the best option to maintain their new sobriety. Extended care benefits include setting up the client for success in recovery while decreasing the risk of relapse. For those who ask what is extended care, their answer must consist of an added level of protection from relapse. 

Individuals can find the following benefits within an extended care program:

  • Sustained sobriety from additional support after detox and treatment.
  • Additional relapse prevention with time to practice new coping skills, identify triggers and challenges, and fine-tune new life skills.
  • Holistic healing through practicing meditation, breathing techniques and learning to live in the present moment.
  • Peer support in sharing experiences with others who are newly sober and forming a sense of community reduces feelings of isolation.
  • Personal attention for any physical, mental, or emotional needs unique to the client, such as gender-specific sober living for women or men.

Increase Personal Growth and Add a Higher Level of Relapse Prevention in Texas

Extended care options are becoming more popular because of the effectiveness of their programs for new sober individuals. The Ascension House in Austin, Texas specializes in sober living and recognizes the needs of individuals transitioning from treatment who need to feel a sense of support and security. Integrating therapy and life skills, using a holistic approach to sober living, and offering a sense of community, sober living is a successful addition to recovery options.

Contact Ascension House today to hear more information about their sober living programs.